Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Home brew shop, setting up pt2:

I cannot believe it is Friday today! This week has gone way too fast. This morning I had made a last turn at the Gallery to hang my favorite DIE ANTWOORD skull. This time I went with reinforcements, earlier this week I realized that a normal nail would not hold this skull, and to my delight I had a man with a plan, thank you Alex, my love. Lionel had called me last night to suggest rather than showcasing all my skulls, just to showcase AKA Fred, Larry & Bob and then DIE ANTWOORD skull. I also spoke to Juanita & Alex and we all agreed that would be the perfect thing to do.

Once DIE ANTWOORD skull was hung and in place I could not believe the shadow that the horns of this once beast cast below and around it, the skull becomes even bigger, more powerful looking. This is more than just a STATEMENT, it something I cannot quite yet put to words. I still need to organize some snacks and wine for the evening. We have decided a good red wine will be part of the celebration tonight and I am over the moon that some family and friends will come and enjoy the evening with me.

This coming Monday the big move takes place. Snoot will open his new Studio - JOZI INK, I will officially set up proper work space for Shongololo Studio. I have worked quite hard in the Home Brew Shop already over the past two weeks to help sort, organize and clean. New fresh look always calls for some spring cleaning. I am confident that by Wednesday we will be all settled in.

Today seemed to drag on forever! The longest day of my life, hands down. I only realized this morning how completely exhausted I am. None the less I know I will shine tonight. I am very glad that my brothers, my mom and my best friend all showed up. Skapie (Jackie) has been featured in one of my art work pieces: AKA – Fred, Larry and Bob. I absolutely loved the fact that I had wrote down that story, people read and loved it and then I could point out, you see that lady there... That’s Jackie the one that had the cockroach run out her pants! Lol, I think that particular night will be one of my fondest ever memory of my friend, I will always think of Skapie when I see a cockroach now and have a giggle.

Jackie - AKA - Skapie

People not only connected with me, they connected with my family, they sit and listen to us ramble on and giggle and they listen so attentively to us telling our stories of the rustle and bustle of our family life and life in general in the Poort. As the universe would have it, I forgot my phone was on and at the exact same moment that Lionel started reading a poetry piece out loud for the crowed it started ringing and ringing. I was not too sure what to do. Instead of thinking it through I started giggling and quickly ran out the gallery. I only pointed to my bag and whispered for my Alex to go and fetch it. Very embarrassing indeed, I did though remember my good Afrikaans manners and had apologized to Lionel later the evening.

Self portrait by Lionel Murcott

People had gone back to look at DIE ANTWOORD skull over and over again. I had stood in a corner many times over the couple of hours we were at the gallery to see what people’s expressions were, and it was awesome to see how many thought it was amazing. As the evening drew to an end I had a very gay gentleman wearing a lekka leopard print vest come up to me. He was still asking me about the skulls I paint and how he get what I do, and then the next minute whilst in conversation the dude had gone from speaking to breaking out in soprano song. I almost pissed myself. Alex looked at him, then me and then walked away telling me: “You deal with this!” In return I turned around looked at my mom and said: “I don’t know what to make of this??” I had laughed so much I had to walk away.
From there Alex and I came back to the shop to refill and then we went out dancing the night away at Aruba lounge. When we got there my favourite DJ of the establishment was playing, his name is Roo. As always he played exactly what my soul needed. We met a nice couple at Aruba who had bought us shooter after shooter.  Alex and my-self neither are big drinkers, so by the time the 10th shooter came around (Tequila) we both had burning stomachs. As we decided to go an old woman came to speak to us. This woman was a witch – kid you not! She spoke to us and Alex looked at me, looked at her and she repeated herself to me. I told her I cannot understand a thing you are telling me, she was speaking some language I could not understand. She looked at me with so much hate, rolled her eyes and walked away from me. Lucky or more like unlucky for Alex this witch then went ahead and rubbed his dick and told him: “If you are done playing come see a real woman.” Alex looked at me told me what she said and he said:” WHAT!!! WHAT!!” We could do nothing more than laugh and then leave.
From there we ended up at Lucian’s place and Lucian and Chris got their decks out and entertained us for the remainder of the evening. We went right throughout the night and when Saturday morning came along we moved the decks over to the Brew Shop. It was a long day in deed, but we managed to clean the shop in time for opening, had a shitload of customers throughout the day and Alex managed to survive the Brew class. From thereon we went home. We went to bed really late, I was up until 12 that night helping Kaelyn with her school project. I slept like a rock, only to discover another funny story. Alex who never sleepwalks decided to do it so the previous night. My mom woke up thinking her other Great Dane was jumping on her bed, she thought it strange as one was already on the bed, and they never got on the bed together. To my mom’s surprise when she felt in the dark who was on the bed it was not the dogs, neither my children it was Alex. She woke him up and told him:” I think you took a wrong turn.”

When Alex and my mom told me this story I was close to tears! Alex even told Snoot Sunday morning that he had slept with my mother, lol. Not telling him the full story. I told Alex I am very surprised the dog sleeping next to my mom didn’t do anything, it was unlike Cleo. Alex was a very lucky man in deed. Sunday is the only day we rest so that is exactly what we did. Took the kids for a train ride and then had a braai. We watched a movie to end off the evening.

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