Monday 14 October 2013

The yellow brick road, the start to Shongololo Studio Pt 4

The ultimate dream I have will be to approach other independent artist such as myself and get them on board my ultimate dream and in return we will influence more South Africans. I want to approach big companies to sponsor such artists to go and teach their skills to anyone in any community all over South Africa. The sponsor would only need to sponsor the running cost of such training interventions. If we can then get studios running in these particular communities we could then have the people help us create what we need to supply in that region. We could either sell their creations on their behalf or we could negotiate a price, buy it from them and then re-sell it to interested partners. This ultimate dream may take years to achieve, but I am confident this can be done.
As for my immediate situation I need to establish some business in Johannesburg. I have thus far come up with a great idea, but I am not exactly too clued up when it com
es to brand building and creating a business plan. This is where my very beautiful and brainy friend Tracy comes in. Tracy and I have known each other for more or less five years. I met Tracy when she started working for our then HR Manager at OMD Media Direction. At that particular time I was employed as a Training and Development Co-ordinator for the three companies in South Africa. My duties included assisting students interested in applying for bursaries through the company. The FD Gary Westwater has always been passionate about helping people especially when it comes to helping young adults get the education they need to reach their goals and dreams. Tracy like any other applicant had to produce her final academic result and apply for the bursary. Her results were immaculate and so she was awarded a bursary that would be reviewed year upon year.
                                           The very pretty and witty Tracy Faulmann :):):):):):)

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